Currently in development
Allow remote, hybrid, and online work preferences to be set separately per role, to distinguish between short term and long term oportunities.
Enable members to set their current and future availability to take on new clients per role.
A text field for members to summarise their current position, to include in their OpenGraph imnage, and in seach results. Possibly searchable in future.
Allow members to review their current OpenGraph image, and adjust their profile accordingly.
Coming soon
Enable members to indicate how long they have been active in tech, and/or as a fractional / coach / advisor, and support filtering by tenure.
Analysis of trends in fees charged by location and tenure, to help you benchmark against your peers.
Replace the current Google Form for submitting profiles with an on-site form, while retaining the moderation of submissions.
The backlog of ideas that are further down the line
Allow members to share the name of their business on their profile, and display their logo.
Add a "Contact" button to profiles, and allow members to set a contact form URL, or opt-in to sharing a contact email address.
Allow coaches to declare their accreditations, and evidence them on their profile.
Allow members who have selected multiple roles to select one as their primary role, so that the most appropriate canonical profile URL is used.
Prioritise users who are actively maintaining their profile in seach results.
Add support for listing the languages that a member is proficient in, and support for filtering profiles by language.
Enable coaches to define the type of coaching they offer (eg. Discovery, Executive, Training. etc.), and support filtering by sub-discipline on
For users who really do want someone who is based in a particular location.
A facility to permanently delete your profile.
Allow the description field to be formatted (including links) using a rich text editor (eg. TipTap) or Markdown.
Enable members to attach presentation recordings, podcast episodes, portfolios, and other files to their profiles.
Structure the profile to be more visually engaging, and not just a long list of fields
Add profile fields that are specific to speakers, and launch